Dossier Prensa: Presentación Proyecto Digitalizadas


Santiago de Compostela,  02/03/2018

Fundación Mujeres, Fundación Cibervoluntarios y presentaron el viernes 2 de marzo Digitalizadas una iniciativa, que tiene como objetivo formar presencialmente a 5.000 mujeres del entorno rural español en alfabetización digital, emprendimiento y empleabilidad. El acto  fue clausurado por S.M. La Reina Letizia.

El País (03/03/2018) 5,000 rural women will receive digital training

ABC (03/03/2018) The Queen supports a digital training plan for five thousand rural women

Expansión (06/03/2018) Digitized women in the rural environment

  • Regional Print (14)

La Voz de Galicia (02/03/2018) Digitalizadas will train 5,000 women in rural areas in new technologies (interview)

El Correo Gallego (03/03/2018) Project to ‘digitize’ five thousand rural women

Faro de Vigo (03/03/2018) Five thousand rural women more free

La Opinión de A Coruña (03/03/2018) Five thousand rural women more free

Atlántico (03/03/2018)  A project will form new technologies to 5,000 rural women

Diario de León (03/03/2018) Rural women move “digitalizadas”

El Progreso (03/03/2018) More than 5,000 women of the rural will navigate by internet before 2020

Diario de Pontevedra (03/03/2018) Queen Letizia presented with Feijóo the project, which will help a total of 5,000 rural women

La Gaceta (03/03/2018) 5000 rural women will receive free training in new technologies

Diario de Arousa (03/03/2018) Feijóo highlights a project that will bring digital culture closer to rural women

La Región (03/03/2018) “Digitalizadas” will train 5000 women in new technologies

Diario de Ferrol (03/03/2018) The Queen and Feijoo present “Digitalizadas”, a project which will train rural women in new technologies

Diario de Bergantiños (03/03/2018) The Queen and Feijoo present “Digitalizadas”, a project which will train rural women in new technologies

Heraldo de Aragón (03/03/2018) Plan for training 5000 rural women in new technologies


  • TV (5)


TVE-Informativo Galicia (03/03/2018) Digitalizadas

TVE- Telediario 2 (02/03/2018) Digitalizadas

La 2-Agrosfera (03/03/2018) Digitalizadas

TVG-Telexornal 1 (03/03/2018) Digitalizadas

24 Horas- Noticias 24h (02/03/2018) Digitalizadas


  • Radio (4)


Radio Galega-Galicia por diante (03/03/2018) Digitalizadas

Onda Cero- Noticias Mediodía Galicia (03/03/2018) Digitalizadas

Cadena Ser- Hora 14 Galicia (02/03/2018) Digitalizadas

RNE-Informativos (02/03/2018) Digitalizadas

  • Online (38)


Europa Press (02/03/2018) Digitalizadas will train 5,000 women in rural areas in new technologies

El País (02/03/2018) They sail with their feet in the field

El Diario (02/03/2018) Rural women will advance “Digitalizadas” in technological culture and employment

La Voz de Galicia (02/03/2018) Digitalizadas will train 5,000 women in rural areas in new technologies (interview)

El Economista (03/03/2018) Digitalizadas, sponsored by Queen Letizia, will train 5,000 women in rural areas in new technologies

Informativos Telecinco (02/03/2018) Digitalizadas, sponsored by Queen Letizia, will train 5,000 women in rural areas in new technologies

Innovaspain (02/03/2018) Women ‘Digitalizadas’ also in rural Spain (interview)

Diario de Pontevedra (03/03/2018) Rural women will advance with ‘Digitized’ in technological culture and employment

El Correo (02/03/2018) Digitalizadas will train 5,000 women in rural areas in new technologies

Vanity Fair (02/03/2018) Queen Letizia and her princess dress

Mujer Hoy (03/03/2018) Letizia use for first time  a Bottega Veneta in Galicia

El Mundo-Yo Dona (03/03/2018) Letizia, at the launching ceremony of ‘Digitalizadas’

El Periódico (03/03/2018) The digitized project comes from Google

Hola (02/03/2018) The Queen travels to Galicia to show her support for women in rural areas

Semana (02/03/2018) Letizia challenges the storm in Spain: it is presented in short sleeve in Galicia

Vozpópuli (02/03/2018) Letizia, the queen of ‘Veranalia’: with short sleeves in Galicia, defying the storm and the polar cold wave

Diario de León (02/03/2018) Rural women advance ‘digitalizadas’

Faro de Vigo (03/03/2018) 5000 rural women more free

Diez minutos (02/03/2018) Queen Letizia stylish and without cold in the rain

Zonamovilidad (03/03/2018) Rural women,  closer to being digitized

ABC (02/03/2018) 5000 women will receive free training in new technologies against the territorial and gender gap

La Opinión A Coruña (03/03/2018) Classes for 5000 free rural women

OK Diario (02/03/2018)  Letizia defies the cold and opens a spring look in the middle of winter

Vogue (02/03/2018) The spring dress with which Queen Letizia challenges bad weather

La Voz de Asturias (03/03/2018) The Queen makes visible a plan to digitally train 5000 rural women

Atlántico Diario (03/03/2018) ‘’Digitalizadas’’ will train 5000 women in new technologies

Diario de Ferrol (03/03/2018) Feijóo highlights a project that will bring digital culture closer to rural women

El Ideal Gallego (03/03/2018) Feijóo highlights a project that will bring digital culture closer to rural women

La Voz de Galicia (03/03/2018) The Queen makes visible a plan to digitally train 5000 rural women

Cadena Ser Galicia (02/03/2018) Queen Letizia in Santiago

El Progreso (02/03/2018) Rural women will advance with ‘Digitalizadas’ in technological culture and employment

Cuatro (02/03/2018) Digitalizadas, sponsored by Queen Letizia, will train 5,000 women in rural areas in new technologies

El Economista (02/03/2018) Letizia faces the storm with a short-sleeved dress

Yahoo Finanzas (02/03/2018) Rural women advance with ‘Digitalizadas’ in technological culture and employment

El Economista (02/03/2018)  A program was created to promote employment and against the gender gap in technologies

El Economista (02/03/2018) The project ‘Digitalizadas’ will train 5000 Spanish women in rural areas in new technologies

El Diario (02/03/2018) A program was created to promote employment and against the gender gap in technologies

Glamour (02/03/2018) The Queen wears a spring dress in the middle of a cold wave

EFE (02/03/2018) Queen Letizia celebrates public-private collaboration in favor of rural women

Inversión o finanzas (02/03/2018) Rural women advance with ‘Digitalizadas’ in technological culture and employment

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Dossier Prensa: Presentación Proyecto Digitalizadas

Dossier Prensa: Presentación Proyecto Digitalizadas